

           Company name:

High Fashion Stores (Hano, Benzaion)

          Chef Executive Officer & Acting Chairman :

           -Mr. Mahmoud Abdullah Mahmoud Hassan


-5 Talaat Harb Street , Cairo  

-2 Saint Catherine – al-Manshia – Alexandria

Tel. number:

(202) 23931500 – 23922746 – 23908088

(03) 4879130 – 4862961 – 4877310

Fax. number:

(202) 23931500 – 23926386  – (03) 4862961




High Fashion Stores Company is an Egyptian joint-stock company, an affiliate of the Holding Company for Tourism and Hotels (HOTAC), under public enterprises Law No. 203 of 1991. The company has many branches all over Egypt.

Trading in all kinds of durable and consumer goods such as:
– Jewelry, masterpieces and gifts.
– Modern and steel furniture
– Mechanical and handmade carpets.
– Cars of all makes.
– Underwear and ready made clothes.
– Food stuff.

The company is wholly owned by the Holding Company for Tourism and Hotels.

Net Operating Revenue285574263890262326
Interest Expensesـــــــــــــــ
Net Income327153288124784
Net equity222234887741766
Working capital222234887741766
Total Invesment582928539976236
Number of Workers172115891479

Address: 5 Talaat Harb Street, Cairo, Egypt.
Establishment Date: 1968
Holding Company Ownership : 100%
Paid In Capital (1000 LE ) :200,000 Egyptian pound
No. of Shares :  20,000,000 Million shares

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